Friday, February 8, 2008

The Enemies Trojan Horse

In this time of growing spiritual blindness and rampant apostasy the number of voices speaking Truth in the Lord continues to shrink. However, one teacher of God's Word that Apprising Ministries feels we can still listen to is Dr. John MacArthur.

MacArthur begins this important piece:
The conquering of the city of Troy is one of the famous stories of ancient history. Greek soldiers had laid siege to the city for over ten years, but were unable to conquer it. In exasperation Ulysses, a brilliant strategist, decided to have a large wooden horse built and left outside the city walls as a supposed gift to the unconquerable Trojans...
Throughout its history, the church has embraced many Trojan horses. Satan has effectively used enemies disguised as gifts to lure people away from the truth of God into destructive error. Today’s church is in a particularly severe state of confusion... Today's church is like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, who could tell the difference between superficial things like pleasant and stormy weather, but not between truth and error (Matt. 16:1-3)...
You can read this article from John MacArthur in its entirety right here.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Me, the heretic?

Just the other day someone logged on and read through the blogs I have written about the present condition of the church. Instead of leaving me a comment (as I wish you would do) they simply emailed me and told me their opinion In response to the blog "Christianity Gone Wild" they said; "Brother John, I read through your blog on Christianity Gone Wild and while I do agree with a large part of what you say, I have some very strong reservations. Yes, we all need to grow closer to the Lord but what ever happened to love? What ever happened to the preacher who will be there for people when they fall? What happened to God's forgiveness and mercy? While you are right on a few things, I believe you are going about it in the wrong way. You need to be more loving, caring, and compassionate. Sincerely, concerned reader."
Now, you would think by reading this persons response that I was the heretic and that the other preachers who spew out the greed gospel and blessing with no responsibility doctrine were the true blue preachers! HA! Let me point out a few things to this concerned reader and to those of you who will read this blog. As I stated in my post "Christianity Gone Wild" we are a church spotted with the things of the world. We are, a long way from what we were years ago in the church of Jesus Christ. We are more sinful, more sensuous, and more arrogant than ever before. Our hearts are filled with all sorts of evil and the day is coming when we will face a severe judgment!
Now what I have just stated is the cold hard truth. But it is the truth of the moral climate of the so called church in general. I never mentioned the poor man who struggles with all his might to overcome that porn addiction. I never said anything about not loving those who face adversity. I never said God didnt love us, or have mercy upon us. Of course he loves us, of course he has mercy (without it we would all be consumed by our wickedness!) Of course I am a preacher who has compassion on the lost and hurting! But I am not a preacher who will shun the truth! I am not that preacher on TV who will sugar coat the gospel to appeal to the average crowd. I am not the sleeping watchman on the wall who allows the enemy to sneak right past the gates! Yet I am the one who is the heretic? HA! The word of God begs to differ with this opinion. The Bible clearly tells us that we are to stand up for what is right! The Bible says, we are to stand as watchman on the wall. We are to blow the trumpet! Sound the alarm! And warn those in need of warning!
Hear this my friends, if preaching the truth is negative, I am guilty. If preaching the facts is unloving, I am guilty. If preaching against the modern day feel good JUNK that is coming across pulpits all over America, I AM GUILTY! But I do not believe for one moment, that I am negative or unloving! As a matter of fact, a message of truth is far more positive than a message packed with sugar coated lies. As we look out, we hear such a watered down form of preaching today from people like Joel Osteen, Paula White, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, and so many more who never mention Sin, Hell, The Rapture, Holiness, or Purity! And whats happened is, WE'VE HEAPED TO OURSELVES TEACHERS, HAVING ITCHING EARS! And guess what? I have become the heretic! I have become the negative, unloving preacher! HA! May God have mercy upon a church who cannot bear to hear of their own wickedness. And if not able to hear it, they will never change it!

Friday, February 1, 2008

The True Church

In a time of uncertainty and speculation in the church world, we now find the need to identify and call to arms the True Church of Jesus Christ. While much of the church world today is shrouded in mysticism and glamour, I believe that there is a True Church out there. I believe there is a remnant of believers who stand ready to defend the faith at all costs. While most are out chasing the greed gospel by giving their money to the prosperity pimps of God’s word, there is a True Church who longs for what is in the heart of God instead of what is in his hand. There is a body of believers who as the deer pants after the water brooks, their soul pants after the living God! These believers are the minority in the faith, yet they are the key to our faith’s survival. At this moment, I believe God is making a clarion call to the True Church! I believe the trumpet of war is being sounded from on high and the marching orders are being given. Right now, God is calling on every Preacher, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Apostle, Intercessor, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Worker, Children’s Worker, and Church member, to make a stand for our faith! In the church today, we are at a crossroad. On one side we have the modern form of man centered Christianity, while on the other we have the true church that adheres to the teaching of God’s word. On one side, it’s the easy path, it’s the wide road, but on the other side it is the narrow road that demands dedication and sacrifice.

This is where we are today! We have the choice! Our destiny lies in our own hands! We as individuals or as a church body must choose this day whom we will serve! I’m not sure about you, but believe in a true church. I believe in a church where dedication, sacrifice and the Spirit of the living God is. I believe there is a remnant of freshly anointed preachers who will preach the truth without compromise. I believe there are intercessors out there who sacrifice their fleshly desires to lie on their face before God for hours at a time. I believe that the true church is called to do great exploits for the Kingdom of Heaven! I believe that there is an anointing, there is a power, there is a revival waiting just over the horizon that will be unleashed upon this end time church when we choose to make the stand! Right now, God is calling out! Right now, he is looking for men, women, and teenagers who will answer the call and say yes I will stand!

We must fight the onslaught of evil upon our world
We must fight against the apostasy that has invaded the church
We must fight against an ungodly government that insists on pushing God out
We must fight against complacency, and self satisfaction


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Christianity GONE WILD

The other night I found myself awake, and not able to go back sleep I surfed through the channels on TV. As I did, I came across the usual infomercials promising to lose weight if I will just buy this certain machine, or that if I was bald I could grow a full head of hair just by taking a certain vitamin that no one else sells. But then, I came across a very disturbing infomercial that included more pornographic material than I thought was allowed on public broadcasting entitled “Girls Gone Wild.” What I saw next broke my heart! I watched for just a few moments as young ladies exposed themselves during crazed filled parties. I saw some of the most unbelievable acts between two young women I’d ever seen in my life, right there on TV! You could feel the spirit of depravity coming through the TV as the filth of sexual perversion came spilling across the screen. In shock, I quickly turned the channel and continued surfing until I found the nightly news. A few days later I thought again about the perverted infomercial but this time, these words came to my mind. Christianity GONE WILD.

Now, I know what you are thinking. How dare I compare the religion of Christianity with the depraved title of such pornographic material? And to that I would agree, but hear me out.

As I began to think about the current condition of much of the church today, no words could be more fitting than Christianity GONE WILD. We know of course that our world and nation have GONE WILD. We can see it in every aspect of our society today. Sin is bleeding like an open sore through our streets. Hatred, violence, and bigotry are in the nostrils of almost everyone. Sexual perversion and depravity permeate the land. Politicians and the lawmakers fight for the rights of child molesters and rapist while the victims are left all alone. The name of God is blasphemed throughout the land with no recourse! On the big screen, the radio, and internet you can blasphemous remarks concerning our God. The internet giant has posted literally thousands of videos made by people that blaspheme the Holy Spirit on purpose! Our world has GONE WILD!

But if we’re to look at the condition of the world with such interest, we must also look at the modern day church as well. And to do that, what we will see is quite shocking.

In churches across this land there are pews that are filled with people who live no better than those in the world! And, in the pulpits many times we find ministers, and clergy who live no better than their flocks! What is it? The church has GONE WILD! As we begin to look out across the landscape of the church this is what we see.

Several organized Christian denominations endorsing and approving of the homosexual lifestyle, and licensing homosexual men and women as their clergy. We see, sin in the church as much or more as in the world. We see the divorce rate in the church the same or higher than that of the world. Our churches are filled with people who are shacking up, and indulging in sexual relationships outside of marriage. We find a great number of Christian men, including pastors who are hopelessly addicted to pornography. We see attitudes and spirits that are full of envy, strife, hatred, and pride. We see a church with an appetite for the things of this world that is out of control! What is it? Christianity GONE WILD!

I know that there always been sin in the church. I am not a fool to think there hasn’t. But I do realize that never before have our lusts and passions been such rider less horses running completely out of control! Last year there was over 8 billion dollars spent going to see rated R movies in theaters. Would it shock you to know that over 77% of that money came from church going people? Would it shock you to know, that teen pregnancy in the church is just as high as it is in the world? Or that alcohol consumption, prescription drug abuse, and all types of sexual secrets can be found right inside the doors of the church? And that’s not to mention the secular music that’s invaded the church, or the worldly ideology that filled our houses of worship! Now, I am not talking about those who come in and are not saved. I am not talking about the ones that just show up on Easter Sunday morning. I am talking about regular church attending people who profess a walk with God! What is it? Christianity has GONE WILD!

In years past, this was not the case in the church. No, years ago there was what we call Holiness unto the Lord. There was a line of separation back then that clearly stood between the church and the world. But now, that line has been blurred beyond recognition. Now, it’s hard to tell who’s who?


Although God’s word clearly tells us as Christians to “come out from among them and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing” we have fulfilled the scripture that says “we call evil good and good evil.” We have appetites that are out of control. We have indulged ourselves in the things of this world. And we have overridden the conviction power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. GOD HAVE MERCY UPON HIS CHURCH!

God’s word declares in no uncertain terms that Judgment will begin at the house of God, and I believe we are in danger of God’s fierce judgment and wrath falling upon us for our behavior! It is time that we make a stand! It is time that we once again return to the doctrine of Holiness unto the Lord. It is time that we the church return with our whole hearts to purity, righteousness, and holiness. God is looking for a man, a woman, a teenager who will stand for what is right in these last days. He is coming back for a church that’s not spotted or wrinkled with the things of this world, but a church who’s longing to see his face.

How about we stand up for what is right? How about we call evil by its name? How about we get out of bed with the snake? What would happen if we returned to the Lord with our whole heart? I will tell you what will happen, TRUE REVIVAL WILL HAPPEN!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dining with the Devil

This age of apostasy that we are live in finds the devil setting up a trap for the Body of Christ, and my fear is that we are falling headlong into that trap. The scheme of the enemy is actually quite simple but very dangerous to the Christian. Simply, it is to divide the Church into twp parts. One will adhere to the sound biblical doctrine of the Bible, the other will follow hard after the "new age" teachings of a man centered gospel. In this man-centered Church Movement Satan is dividing and conquering. On one side we have the small remnant of believers who preach and practice the truth of God's word, while on the other hand we find those who preach the seeker sensitive half truths, and with a grin from ear to ear they tell you of God's plan for you if you will just sow a seed. And in this midst of this, you will hear of how God needs to be relevant to you and your situation! This worldly self help filth is being perpetrated upon the church today by many of our "premiere" preachers like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren, and more! It has become nothing more than a backward view of God's word! It has been said before, that the man who dines with the Devil should have a very long fork, and if things do not change in the Church today, we better start passing out some looong forks at the front doors!

The Bible clearly tells us that in the last days there would come a great deception. That even the "very elect" would be deceived if possible. And today, we are seeing this very scripture coming to pass. We are watching as the enemy slips into the front row of our churches and the wheels of his agenda are beginning to spin. We are seeing several key points being accepted now that were once thought to be blasphemous.

  1. The acceptance of other religions and false gods as valid allies
  2. The preaching of a self centered gospel where "man' becomes the centerpiece
  3. The works based theology that places the responsibility of our blessing and righteousness in our own hands
  4. The acceptance of the gay agenda, and several other world views

These are just a few of the unbelievable points being pushed upon the Body of Christ even at this moment, and tragically we are accepting them as truth! And because of this, we are quickly becoming the "model" for the END TIME APOSTATE CHURCH. We are in great danger today church, we are swiftly becoming a religious organization with no true convictions or standards! I know that God does not give us the Spirit of Fear, but I do believe we need a baptism in the Holy Fear of God once again. It is time that we wake up, stir ourselves, sound the alarm, and put on the whole armour of God. It is time, that we stand up, speak loud, and proclaim the truths of the gospel!

Monday, January 28, 2008

People of all faith pray to the same God????

Does it seem strange to anyone that nowadays we're hearing a lot of so called Christian people equate God with the other gods of this world and say " people of all faiths pray to the same god"

This is an outrage of unbelievable proportions yet you hear nothing from the Christian leaders of our day. We have people in high political office, preachers, and teachers who say they believe in the Jesus of the Bible, yet they increasingly reduce His Lordship to that of a pagan god.

And may I ask, where is the outrage? Where is the church that will stand up and declare that Jesus is the Lord of all? Where is the preacher who will rise with the voice of God and declare what thus saith the Lord? Why isn't the same media that defends Islam and gay rights not defending the Christian faith that is now under attack?

I will tell you where and why... The church is asleep at the wheel, most preachers (especially the ones with the platform to do any good) have lost their backbones, and the media... LOL their nothing but a joke.

Church, we must understand, realize, and act! When we have elected officials who CLAIM that they are Bible believing Christians and stand up and say that people of all faith pray to the same God, something is WRONG! When we have preachers who will reduce the Deity of Christ to that of a pagan, man made god, something is WRONG!

God is looking for someone who will boldly declare the truth of His word! God is looking for a Church on fire, and a preacher with a backbone! I ask you, ARE THERE ANY OUT THERE?

If so, let me hear from you

Doctrine of the TV Preacher

In the world of Christianity there are several "elite" preachers who grace the airwaves of our nation. They are the "cream of the crop" the "superstars of the pulpit" that stand as inevitable examples of what "we" have become today in Christianity. The list is a "who's who" list that includes names like Joel Osteen, Rod Parsley, Paula White, Benny Hinn, and Joyce Meyer. These names have become the identifying name for the popular Christian movement in the world, and each one has what you might call a "cult following" of good hearted Christian devotees. With the charisma and fashion sense of a movie star they are the self proclaimed "voice of God" in these last days. The only problem is the content that is being preached. As you begin to truly listen to the message of many of these famous voices, you will begin to notice several things that do not line up with the Bible that they preach out of. If you listen closely you will find
  1. The twisting of God's word to fit the message they are trying to convey
  2. Adding to the word of God, quoting scripture out of context
  3. That the gospel has been reduced to a self help, get all you can get gospel that does away with the foundational truths in scripture
  4. Spiritual Witchcraft, numerology, etc
  5. And false prophecies given out in the name of "God"

Now, we have to be very careful here because we must always remember that the word of God does teach us to not touch "His anointed." But, we also have the duty to judge those around us by their fruits. And as we stand and look at the fruits of our modern day superstar preachers, we see a disturbing site.

What's happened? The bible clearly says that in the last days, many would depart from the truth, and having itching ears, they would heap unto themselves teachers. Now, this is exactly what we have witnessed take place in the modern day church. We have heaped to ourselves teachers who have proclaimed a self satisfying gospel that pleases our flesh rather than building up our Spirits. We have hailed these men as prophets of the Lord when they prophecy falsley. We have lifted them up as God's mouthpiece, when they have refused to preach the name of Jesus. We have supported their works and added money to their pocket books, while they have preached a false doctrine. Untold millions of people are being led astray right before our eyes and we don't even realize what is taking place!

Here we are, in the last days. Just before Jesus Christ comes back. Our world is dying. People are hopelessly bound by sin. Perversion is spilling over the seals of hell's gates right onto our streets. Marriages are being ripped apart. Homes are being ravaged by the enemy. Nations are at war. Teenagers are cutting themselves. America's moral clock has come right of the hinges, and Satan is on an all out offensive against the body of Christ! And the message of the hour is Prosperity? The message of the hour is my inheritance? Give me a break!

I believe that the message today coming from our pulpits grieves the heart of God. To think, that we have the opportunity to reach millions with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead we preach Money, Money, Money. Shame on us! It is our own lust that has emboldened the preachers of today to preach such a watered down gospel. My fear is that the Church today, has fulfilled the scripture that declares "there would be a great falling away." We have fallen from biblical truths, fallen from Spiritual discipline, fallen from the true voice of God. It is time that we the church wake up! It is time that we realize what is being perpetrated upon the body of Christ, and that we begin to sound the alarm! It is time, that we return to Holiness, Evangelism, and the truth of the Gospel!

Don't you agree?